Chiropractic Neuro-Rehabilitation is an area of chiropractic that focuses on strengthening and enhancing the brain pathways to get better functional outcomes for the body.
Understanding specific pathways in the brain allows our chiropractors to use a variety of methods and modalities aimed to alter brain function and structure.
Like other medical and healthcare professions, we have specialties within the chiropractic profession. Neuro-Rehabilitation Chiropractors, through their education, training and board certification, choose to limit their practice to ‘Functional Neurology’ or more commonly known as ‘Neuro-Rehabilitation Chiropractic’.
Neuro-Rehabilitation Chiropractors are trained to provide care to those who experience from:
Those who suffer from these disorders know how difficult and frustrating everyday tasks can be.
If you do suffer from these symptoms it is important to treat them quickly, they can lead to a variety of other issues, particularly the ability to complete every day tasks.
CONSULTATION FEES:Open 6 days. Morning and Evening appointments available
(03) 9800 5350