How Chiropractic Can Assist With Your Sporting Performance


How Chiropractic Can Assist With Your Sporting Performance

How Chiropractic Can Assist With Your Sporting Performance

25 Sep, 2017

But first, let's introduce you to what Sports Chiropractic is... Sports Chiropractic is defined as conservative care aimed at improving the neuromusculoskeletal system. This is important in making sure that athletes, as well as weekend warriors, have the chance to perform at their best. Optim..

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What to look for in a running shoe?

What to look for in a running shoe?

7 Jun, 2017

Buying running shoes should be easy, yes? However, we can get them wrong so often! ..

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4 things to consider when changing your eating habits

4 things to consider when changing your eating habits

28 Mar, 2017

Mai Duong, our Knox dietitian, shares her four tips to get you to your nutritional goals.  1. Stop comparing yourself with others and get tailored advice for you You are you, and there is no one youer than you! – Dr Zeuss Your situation and body is unique and different from that of your ..

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Foods to beat hay fever naturally

Foods to beat hay fever naturally

30 Jan, 2017

For most people, Spring means daffodils, tulips and cute baby animals. For allergic-type people it means itchy eyes, sneezing and mountains of used tissues. Allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as hay fever, usually strikes in the warmer months when flowers and grasses graciously send off their po..

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What does a naturopath do?

What does a naturopath do?

30 Jan, 2017

When I tell people I am a naturopath, I am often met with a blank stare, or a comment like “Oh, so you heal people with crystals and stuff, right?”. While I was studying, people were usually surprised to find out that naturopaths undergo three to four years of training in anatomy and physiology,..

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